A prosperous, diverse, and sustainable society where people are motivated to tap into their full potential, embrace innovation, and actively contribute to the development and prosperity of the country
About Us
Emirates Foundation was founded by the Government of Abu Dhabi with the intention of it being the force to draw the boundless potential of UAE’s communities by building a resilient, and sustainable society that cherishes autonomy, innovation, and cooperation.
The foundation takes pride in providing individuals with various opportunities that aim to build their awareness, equip them to overcome adversity and to develop valuable skills that helps them create a better future.. Through strategic partnerships, well designed programs, and an unwavering dedication to promoting positive change Emirates Foundation is shaping the future by nurturing talent, inspiring accomplishments, and leaving a lasting effect that transcends national lines.

Our Vision
Our Mission
Emirates Foundation is committed to support innovation, resilience, and sustainability in order to provide society with a more secure future by empowering its individuals to reach their full potential
Our Core Values

Our Core Values`


Emirates Foundation aims to achieve its vision by running various projects and initiatives that rely on three focus pillars:

Building a community that is engaged and prepared to come together during challenges and is effective in its response

Social Behavior
Building a community that adapts and adopts positive social behavior and norms and discards the negative ones.

Capacity Building
Building a capable community where all Social and economic segments empowered and well-prepared.